7 Common Causes of Dark Eye Circles

Have you slept for 8 uninterrupted hours but wake up still looking tired? Does the slang “panda eyes” or “raccoon eyes” sound familiar to you? The dramatic shadow under the eyes, also known as dark eye circles can make you look haggard and older beyond your actual age. If you wonder why you have dark circles under eyes, then read on to discover the 7 most common reasons.
#1: Insufficient Sleep
If you are not getting 7 – 9 hours of sleep per night, the blood vessels under your eyes will dilate. The skin under the eye area is already very thin; making the dilated vessels appears darker. Besides, fluid can build up underneath the eye area, resulting in discoloration and puffiness commonly referred to as eye bags. So, stop Netflix-binging or putting in that all-nighter. Catch up on your beauty sleep to restore your glowing complexion and your eyes will thank you for that.

#2: Dehydration
Are you drinking at least 8 cups of water a day? If you are not, you could be dehydrated. Skin becomes less plump when dehydrated, making dilated vessels more visible. Energizing your body with water internally can help reduce dark eye circles. By doing this, you will cool the eye area and this helps to restrict the blood vessels.
#3: Allergies
Do you suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis), sinusitis or a bad cold? While battling these ailments, your body releases histamines as a defense against harmful bacteria. Histamines cause blood vessels to dilate and become more obvious beneath our skin. A congested nose is not only a sheer discomfort; it makes dark circles look more visible. For individuals with atopic dermatitis (or eczema), excessive rubbing around the eye area due to itching can cause the blood vessels to tear, making the eye area appear darker than normal.

#4: Eyestrain
Are you guilty of scrolling through social media at the traffic light, during lunch breaks or at any given opportunity? Throw in another 8-work hours staring at the laptop and therein lays the perfect recipe for an eye strain. Staring at the television or computer for prolonged hours causes the blood vessels around the eyes to enlarge, leading to discoloration around the eye area. So say yes to digital detoxing and stash away your gadgets at the end of the day.
#5: Genetics
Do you remember having dark eye circles as a child and throughout your teenage years? If your dark circles were inherited since young, then genetics is the reason why you have them today. When dark eye circles are genetically predisposed, it is often seen in early childhood. In such cases, the condition is likely to worsen with age, as the skin gets thinner over time.
#6: Aging
As our skin matures, collagen production gradually declines and skin becomes less elastic. Consequently, skin becomes thinner and dark circles become more noticeable. The first signs of aging happen around the eye area, as the skin here is the most delicate of all. Coupled with years of sun damage and increased in pigmentation, aging causes the under-area to darken with time.

#7: Your Bone Structure
Sometimes your skin condition is not to be blamed. Instead, the dark eye circles can be caused by the way your face is shaped. Some individuals may be born with deep tear troughs under eyes. With such conditions, the indentation can create a shadowing effect under the eye, causing the area to look darker than normal. Again, this boils down to one’s bone structure and ultimately, genetics.
With so many causes of dark eye circles, getting the right diagnosis is the first step towards an effective treatment plan. Topical creams may work for mild discoloration, but dark eye circles caused by aging or hollow in the eye area requires a more aggressive treatment plan. Rather than spending hundreds on a jar of “miracle” cream, speaking to a dermatologist will help you get an accurate diagnosis of your skincare problems, and fast track your solution.

If you’d like to ask more about your skin condition or have a discussion with Dr Loo, call us at +6011-22882299, Whatsapp us, or book an appointment with Dr Loo here!
Treatments mentioned in this article :

Treatment for Dark Circles and Eye Bags
To get rid of eye bags effectively, you can choose from different types of treatment for getting rid of eye bags, like laser treatments, PRP, or dermal fillers.