Patient Mailbox: Losing Stubborn Belly Fat with CoolSculpting®

Hi Dr. Loo,
I am a 32 years old customer service manager. During the quarantine period, ordering meals via Food Panda and GrabFood were my go-to to appease my food cravings. Coupled with a lack of exercise, my stomach, or belly pouch has grown bigger in size! My thighs have enlarged proportionately too, and I feel self-conscious.
Are there non-surgical options that would help me lose stubborn, excess fat? I’ve heard about CoolSculpting® but have never tried the procedure. Could you tell me more about the process, its results, and longevity? What are the possible complications from getting CoolSculpting® to treat my abdomen, inner and outer thighs?
My wedding is a few months ahead and I would like to look stunning. Thank you.
The pandemic has made it challenging to maintain any form of physical activity, particularly during the Movement Control Order. And it’s so easy to pack on the pounds when we are sedentary. In fact, most of us emerged several pounds heavier and “rounder” post-MCO.
For some of us who have unsightly bulges here and there that never seemed to go away, there is more flab now than before! Don’t we loathe this stubborn fat, no matter how hard we try to get rid of it?
So, let’s start by understanding what causes stubborn fat that tends to accumulate around our waist and thighs.
What causes stubborn fat?
There are several reasons why people gain fat around the belly and thighs. One of the most common reasons is advancing age.
For women, a drop in estrogen levels causes us to bulk up around the belly. Men face the same predicament too as testosterone declines with aging and sprouting a beer belly is common by the mid-30s.
Besides, a poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress can cause fat to accumulate around the waist. Improving your diet, increasing physical activity, and reducing stress levels are some lifestyle changes that you should adopt to drop the pounds.
But if you have been doing these with no results, then technology and medical advancement can help you achieve your goals, without surgery.
What is CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting® is a body contouring treatment that uses controlled cooling to expel unwanted fat cells without surgery. Also known as crylipolysis, CoolSculpting® is an FDA-approved procedure to reduce stubborn fat by killing the fat cells via freezing.
CoolSculpting® works by freezing the extra fat at -10” C. At this temperature and with prolonged exposure, the fat cells die off and the body naturally expels the dead cells to reveal a trimmer silhouette.
Approved by the FDA since 2010, CoolSculpting® is a safe, non-surgical fat reduction procedure that efficiently reduces unwanted bulges.
Who is a suitable candidate for CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting® is designed to treat stubborn, unwanted fat that resists exercise and diet. An ideal candidate is anyone who wants to sculpt his or her body and reduce stubborn fats at specific areas. These bulges tend to appear at the flanks (or love handles), belly, arms, thighs, under buttocks as well as under the chin.
Whether your body mass index (BMI) is high or far from ideal, it does not prohibit you from having the CoolSculpting® treatment. Indeed, a candidate with a healthy BMI) will get better results. But patients with higher BMI can have this treatment too, depending on their needs and expectations.
In addition, the patient must have sufficient fat to be “pinched” into the device’s applicator.
Can you share the entire process for CoolSculpting®, from the start till the end?
We will first assess your concerns and ascertain your present weight and BMI. We will map out your treatment site with a pen while you are standing. Next, you will be requested to lie down, and a layer of protective gel will be applied over your skin. Thereafter, we will apply the applicator to the treatment site.
Once your skin and fat cells are suctioned into the paddle, the CoolSculpting® treatment begins.
This is where your tissues are lowered to -10’C to kick start the freezing process. At this point, you can read a book, catch up on TV dramas, or simply take a snooze as the treatment takes place.
Once your treatment time is up, we will massage the fat that now looks like a "butter stick". This massaging process is important as it helps your body kick start its natural process of excreting the dead fat cells.
End to end, the entire treatment will last anywhere between 35 to 75 minutes, depending on the type of applicator used and the treatment area.
Is CoolSculpting® a painful procedure?
The level of soreness is quite subjective as it depends on one’s threshold for discomfort
But generally, you will find the treatment very tolerable. As the cooling process begins, you will feel mild pressure and intense cold that quickly wears off.
During the treatment, some patients report feeling a tugging sensation, pinching, deep pulling, or numbness. But once the skin adjusts to the cold, most patients start to relax. In fact, some of our patient’s dose off mid-way too.
How many sessions will I need to see improvements in body contours and fat reduction?
Patients can expect to see significant changes with one session. These improvements can be seen fast and within two weeks after your first treatment.
The pinnacle of your fat loss is evident after three months from the treatment. This is because your body will continuously flush out fat cells for up to three months post-treatment.
While one session can deliver satisfactory outcomes, patients with higher BMIs often request to have additional sessions to meet their body goals. If your BMI falls between 25 to 30, we would recommend getting two to three treatments for maximum results.
Are the results from CoolSculpting® permanent if I maintain my weight?
The beauty of CoolSculpting® is that once the fat cells have been frozen and expelled, these fat cells are gone for good. So, the results of CoolSculpting® are permanent, as long as you do not gain weight.
If you gain weight, the remaining fat cells in the treated areas will expand.
As such, we always emphasize that you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to make the most of your investment. Bear in mind that a trim body is not only aesthetically pleasing. It is, in fact, a commitment towards a longer and healthier life.
Is there any risk or side effects of CoolSculpting®?
Rest assured that in the hands of an experienced practitioner, side effects are rare.
Nevertheless, some of the possible side effects of CoolSculpting® include redness, swelling, tingling, tenderness, bruising, firmness, or cramping on the treatment site. These may last from anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
Having said that, it is important that you choose a practitioner that has years of experience performing the procedure. After all, it is not as simple as attaching the applicator to your skin for fat freezing. Moreover, contour irregularities can happen is a wrong assessment is made by inexperienced physicians.
We take meticulous care in assessing patient suitability and advising our patients on the best treatment option. We also track our patient’s progress closely through intermittent follow up sessions.
Can CoolSculpting® eliminate cellulite or reduce the dimpling of the skin?
CoolSculpting® can help to lighten the appearance of cellulite by reducing the layer of subcutaneous fat. This is because CoolSculpting® freezes the fat cells and the body flushes out the dead fat cells naturally.
If dimpling is a major concern for you, there are also other treatment options such as lasers, radio frequency treatment and surgical removal.

If you’d like to ask more about your skin condition or have a discussion with Dr Loo, call us at +6011-22882299, Whatsapp us, or book an appointment with Dr Loo here!
Treatments mentioned in this article :
CoolSculpting is a fat removal treatmet that works by freezing the fat cells of these stubborn body fats, causing these fat cells to die off.

Radio Frequency Treatment
Radio frequency treatment uses radio frequency energy to penetrate the layers of the skin to treat various skin conditions like acne, sagging skin, and body fat elimination.